Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Memories of Michael...

August 1958- June 2009

I just want to remember a few things....

* Today was Michael Jackson's funeral such a sad sad day.
* His Thriller Album was one of the first cassettes I owned, along with Janet Jackson (Control), Madonna (True Blue), Tiffany, Exspose, and Debbie Gibson,
* I had a GREAT book about him and his life thus far... well as far as a 5th grader should know. It came with a sparkly white glove on the cover. I wonder sometimes what happened to it.
* I remember singing his songs, watching his thriller video, and knowing that my parents didn't really like it, which made me want to listen even more.
* I had a black t-shirt that had Michael on it.
* I never saw him in concert... darn!!!
* I can't find my Bad CD
* I snatched the Dangerous one from my X-Stepfather when I moved out... that and Simon & Garfunkel.

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