Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1. I had my follow up Dr. Apt this am....ugh!! I have to have more blood work, an MRI and an EEG. I want this to all be over!! The good thing tho, she prescribed migraine meds finally!!!

2. It is raining today. I love the rain, the smell, the pitter patter sound.

3. Got all the kids Easter basket goodies ready...

4. Went to the worst 6 year old baseball game ever on Sat. The coach on the opposite team was crazy!!! He was basically cheating but didn't think he was. I felt bad for our coach... thank goodness the kids really have no clue, they are just playing the game.

5. My boy caught his first fish all by himself on Sunday. He was so excited... and Daddy was so proud.

6. Mom had her wedding reception/open house Sat. and it was nice to catch-up with old friends.

7. I made fresh applesauce and bananabread last night yum!!!

8. With this rain I think tonight's game will be cancelled... can I cross my fingers.

9. I some digital scrapbooking yesterday.

10. Looking forward to camping next week with the kids.

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