Last week Bubble Boy had an awesome field trip to a local pizza palor planned that Sweet Pea and I couldn't go to (school regulations about siblings) no biggy I was mentally prepared. The morning of the fieldtrip I handed his teacher all his allergy stuff just as a precaution of thing I knew we were going on the field trip. Now I wasn't ready for that and I lost it for what reason I have no clue...but I sat in the classroom and cried. Was it a relief that I was going, or was it frustration that things weren't decided earlier, I don't know!! But we had a great time riding public transit, making & eating pizza.
Then Wed. we had crafty kids club (cKc), we made great Easter bags, smore bunnies, and handprints. I can't believe that Easter is right around the quick so fast this year is going.
The best day was Saturday!! We ran around in an organized fashion and got a bunch of stuff done.
We headed to Lowe's at 10 for their free craft. The kids made periascopes! So cool a project!
After Lowe's Hubby & Bubble Boy went to the 2nd T-Ball practice. We have a good little hitter on our hands. It is amazing what a difference a year makes with organized sports. We have done 2 seasons of soccer so we thought we would try T-Ball. This maybe one of Bubble Boy's stronger sports....I'm excited it is my favorite!! He seems to be having a great time thus far!!
After practice I ran to a baby shower for a friend...she is having twins. I"m so excited for them!! I love holding babies!! I can't wait to lend a hand. I gave them an adorable set of onesies (if I may say so myself) I made them "thing one & thing two) onesies from Dr. Seuss. She loved them!!!
Finally the best part of the day was Sweet Pea's 1st dance recital. I was amazed at how she did... PERFECT!!! I thought she would be nervous to get on the big stage in-front of the whole world. But she was so excited. Both her preschool teacher & dance teacher were there. She did everything just like she was suppose to. She smiled, twirled, leaped, and spun just like an old pro. I'm so very proud of her!! She started classed in September and wasn't happy about it. She HAD to have me sitting in the room watching her. I think now she is totally comfortable and happy dancing her little heart out.
Oh yeah I can't forget we celebrated my brother's daughter's 1st birthday. I can't believe how fast a year goes. I wish I could see her more and spend more time with her. She has really no clue who we are.
OK I'm off to take on the day of catch-up. Bubble Boy is home sick, so that means a day of busy cleaning and laundry. Enjoy!!
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