Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nothing Exciting to post!!

Today is Tuesday...and my goal is to blog every Tuesday...so here I am blogging ;O).

This weekend was all about the continual purging process...files/junk/clothes etc. Trying to live a simpler life. It was all about planning meals to better us & the kids...If I could just get Sweet Pea to eat something else, heck I would be happy if she tried something else. It was relaxing with Empire Strikes Back and a bit of work thrown in. Hubby took down the Christmas lights outside...so sad!!

Why am I blogging to begin with!!! I sure am a bad speller & I sure have terrible grammar but I don't care...this isn't to prove I can do either of those, it is simply to get stuff out. A way to remember bits and pieces about my kiddos. This is for me! A place I can hold myself "accountable" for my actions. A place to put myself out there so someone can hold me accountable as well. Happy Blogging to me...

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