Monday, December 31, 2007

Good bye 2007 Hello 2008

Yes 2008 is creeping a matter of hours that is. Have a accomplished all I wanted in 2007 well not exactly but I did a good job. I'm happy with were I am right now... I love my family, I'm deeply in love with my husband, I adore my children to death, & I'm lucky and blessed to have great friends. In 2008 I'm going to hold my-self "accountable" for the life I'm living. I need to take more responsibility for me cuz in fact I'm the one living this life no one else. I made a list of 100 items (although it hasn't actually reached 100 items yet) of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime. My goal this year is to work on that list while working on me...I think the 2 go hand in hand so it shouldn't be to hard. So here is to a new start at being a better person, a person accountable for their actions and reactions.

I should say that I started a blog to keep track of silly stuff the kids did, a way to document their lives and keep record, but I think this is going to be more about being a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter, etc. I don't claim to be a perfect speller or have the best grammar!! Lets face it this isn't for you it's for me. SO if errors come up understand I'm a dork and I don't really care....I just need to get stuff off my chest. I know I make the mistakes & I can live with them can you??

Oh and lastly I have been wanting to post why I called this toots talk....My grandma was always called toots by my papa..well some how my brothers started to call me that and it stuck so Toots I am to them...why not the world.

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