Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bad Blogger!!!

SO much has happened in a short amount of time. I'm a bad blogger I have decided. Why did I start this if I'm not going to maintain it. well here goes another shot. How about a few month recap!

Soccer started and is just about over my kids look ADORABLE in their soccer outfits. Go Trexs!!!! Our coach's name is Rex and our color is green so it fit (my idea.) We have had a great season. Love being on the same team as our Best Friends. Love that hubby is the assistant coach. Love that we get to spend some good family time together. This has been a great experience from day one.

We officially have a kindergartner...very hard to believe. We are sooo very lucky to have an amazing teacher, Mrs. B. She can be a bit scatter brained but where she needs to be she is right on! She was on top of the school nurse and took care of what we needed for Little Buddies allergies. I only wish we had a peanut free school. But we are making do with amazing parents and an amazing teacher, not to mention a little boy who is smarter than I give him credit for sometimes.

AJ loves school plain and simple! I think we are lucky there too! He settled in better than I thought he would. He loves to do the art projects. He loves to read. He loves to bring sharing. He loves to have free time with his partner Megan. He loves Mrs. B soooo much. He loves earning pennies & happy faces. He loves playing in the sand, even if it is yucky and muddy. He loves the field trips. Last week was the 1st time riding a school bus. Again he loved it.

We also officially have a pre-schooler. That took a lot of work on both, her part and my part. She wasn't exactly potty trained perfect by the time we started which was hard by itself. But add the fact that she didn't want to be there and we have kayos. Her 1st day of pre-school she cried for the 1st hour. It was so very hard on both of us. She knows the teacher and she had hungout so many times when big brother at school she shouldn't have been scared. We talked about school, read books about school, and she was soooo excited to go. She let me put her name tag on perfect. She went in class perfect. Then I left and she (and I)lost it, tears and screaming for a full hour! I sat in the hallway with her brother thinking "had I made the wrong choice forcing her into something she didn't want to do?" She wanted to be there I thought but was I forcing her? Mrs. K said when she stopped crying she was perfect and interested in everything. So the 2nd day we went, she only cried for 30 min.and came home very excited. On the 3rd day she only cried for 10 min., so on the 4th day I ventured in to take a few photos and she wasn't crying she was in heaven, happy as could be to be in class. As I write this we are well into October and she runs into class without giving me a kiss or hug. "bye mom" an she is off. Amazing how things was the right choice just like everyone said. It was just a hard one.

Halloween is next week and I can't wait to trick-or-treat with the kids...sweet pea is gonna be Minnie mouse and Bubble Boy is going to be a ghostbuster should make for some interesting photos. I will try to post!!

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